It’s Week 3 of the $100 Room Challenge and The Great Purge happened! The Monica Closet is *finally* cleaned out! {Insert happy dance here!} Can I tell you how amazing it feels to be able to walk in the Monica Closet? Cleaning out the Monica Closet took some time to do, but this room is slowly coming together.
Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5
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The Great Purge: Cleaning Out the Monica Closet
To begin the process of The Great Purge, I got lots of boxes and the big black trash bags to have on hand while cleaning out the Monica Closet. I labeled the boxes “KEEP” and “DONATE”. Imagine Mr. Sweet Southern Oaks’ face when he saw a keep box! Hahaha, that face was funny!! 😉 Ummm, excuse me, I’m going to keep the things that have meaning to me, or “spark joy” as Marie Kondo would say. I binge watched her show on Netflix last weekend; she’s adorable and now I want to read the book and Kon-Mari all the things!
Ok, back to the Monica Closet… I thought about having a box of things to sell and possibly make the $100 back, but I was ready to just let it go. Since I really don’t have time to have a garage sale or list items to sell on Craigslist or marketplaces, I knew that those items would just end up sitting around…still in the Monica Closet, so I chose to donate everything instead. The Great Purge took all day, but it feels good to have the room cleaned out.
Cleaning Out Can be Fun!
Finding things you didn’t know you had can be fun! It’s all about the perspective you have during the process. Instead of possibly becoming overwhelmed with the mounds of stuff, I decided to look for the treasures. Then it’s like Christmas all over again.
Oh heeeyyy cute sweater I didn’t know I had! Heeeyyy cute vintage sign I forgot all about! Aww this was my favorite doll growing up, let’s save her in case we have a little girl someday!
We took a walk down memory lane reading all of the scrapbook letters I made for Mr. Sweet Southern Oaks when he was deployed or at training schools.
Now this was what the room looked like before we painted…
I promise, progress is happening… let’s check out a before picture once more, so I can remind myself of how far this room has actually come.
See? It was a scary before picture!
The Funniest Thing I Found…
The weirdest and funniest thing I found cleaning out the Monica Closet…
One of my BFF’s wallet… listen, I’m a good, law abiding citizen…
What happened was her wallet got stashed inside of a basket of party decorations I once brought to her house. Later, I picked that basket up from her house and it sat in my trunk for awhile. Then we moved and it got stashed in the Monica Closet, never to be opened again… until two years later.
I texted her “uummm, hey, I found your wallet {insert story}… I’ll bring it over!” She forgot she even lost her wallet and we got a good laugh about that! So it’s all good and we’re still BFF’s! 😉
Painting the Walls and Trim
Once the room was cleaned out, I gave it a good dusting and vacuumed. The next day we painted the walls and the trim. The room was a poop brown color when we moved in, just like it was in every other room in our house! The trim was painted in my favorite white, Sherwin Williams Bohemian Lace. I had half a can of Sherwin Williams Repose Gray, my favorite grey paint color, so we used that to paint the room. We decided to go ahead and buy another can of the Repose Grey to make sure we had enough to paint the room.
Now I’ve got to organize my home decor and craft items that are left in the Monica Closet and decorate! I’m a little behind on the challenge, but hopefully this weekend I can get it done.
Total Spent So Far:
Paint: $35.00
Painter’s Tape: $7.00
Black Trash Bags: $8.00
Total Spent: $50.00
Huge shout out to Erin at Lemons, Lavender and Laundry for hosting this amazing challenge this month!
Connect with me on social media! Use the hashtag #sweetsouthernoaks on Instagram to share inspiration from the blog. As always, feel free to find me on Facebook or Instagram. I’d love to chat with you about all things home décor! You can also pin with me on Pinterest for even more inspiration for home décor, recipes and more!

Nice progress. How funny that you had your friends wallet? Crazy! I really like that you took the time and made it a fun treasure hunt- great idea! Can’t wait to see your room complete!
Thanks Jackie! It was the most random thing ever to find! I’m still working on the room. I got a little behind, but I can’t wait for the big reveal!
WOW!!! That before compared to where you are now is pretty incredible! And that story about the wallet… Ha! Lovin’ the new paint color (we painted our entire main floor Repose Gray). Good luck with the remaining weeks (even though I’m commenting WAY late, and you’re probably done).
Thank you so much, Erin! Repose Gray is my favorite color! I’m a little behind now on the challenge, but I’ll get it done soon! 🙂