I’ve got a vintage inspired July 4th mantel to share with you today! Do you decorate for the 4th of July? We’re a patriotic, military family so I decorate for the holiday and keep it up all summer long. Something about red, white and blue just signifies summer to me.
When I decorate, I literally just gather a bunch of items around my house and see what will work. Sometimes it comes together quickly, other times I have to play around with it to make it work. Trial and error. I’ll put things together, then change it again and again. Do you do that? This time, my vintage inspired July 4th mantel came together quickly. I gathered the items that I wanted to try out and got to work putting together my mantel! I didn’t buy anything new, I just used items that I already had around my house. I love to shop around my house first because it makes me think outside of the box and get creative with what I already have. I’m sure Mr. Southern Oaks loves when I “shop” around the house first. 😉
I pulled out anything I could find that was red, white and blue. Then I gathered a tobacco basket from Hobby Lobby, gathered some of my vintage copper, thrifted books and my box of patriotic decor. I have this beautiful vintage flag bunting which I put into the middle of the fireplace. Then I placed the tobacco basket on top of the bunting to keep it from falling off the mantel and to also add some added height and texture. I pulled out the antique milk jars that belonged to my Great Grandma Pearla and put two flags in each jar. One of them has red writing on it, and I knew it would be perfect to add to the mantel. Another idea for you would be to use old glass Coke bottles for decoration! For added height, I stacked some vintage thrifted books together and placed the antique milk jars on top.
I layered a red, white and blue heart shaped wreath in the center of the tobacco basket. Then I placed two vintage copper kettles on both sides of the mantel. I think the copper and the tobacco basket help to break up the colors and adds a fun, unexpected contrast to the vintage inspired July 4th mantel .
That’s my vintage inspired July 4th mantel! It was created by using items I already had at the house and I incorporated a few unexpected items into my mantel. Do you decorate for the 4th of July?
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You have a wonderful gift, Ashlee!
Thank you so much, Faith! I do love to decorate!